Preetinder Dhindsa Preetinder Dhindsa

Playlist for Managing Frustrations

When you’re feeling frustrated or overlooked, listen to Raag Tilang.

Raag Tilang is a very moving Raag designed to articulate deep-seated frustration. The mood of Tilang is a very common mix of emotions we all feel more often than we think. Have you ever felt taken for granted by a loved one, a friend, or even a client? Have you felt frustrated by a person or situation? Or perhaps you’ve poured your heart into impressing someone only to be met with indifference? These can leave a fiery sting of frustration within you. If this resonates, then Raag Tilang is the soundtrack to your emotions.

Let me share a compelling story that profoundly captures the mood of Tilang. Imagine a splendid day where the sun bathes everything in an inviting glow. The trees, adorned in lush dark green, sway gently, creating a mesmerizing dance against the backdrop of a crystal-clear blue sky. In this enchanting setting, a young man leisurely wanders, immersed in the beauty of the day. As he meanders, his eyes catch a glimpse of an extraordinarily beautiful woman in the distance. He stops abruptly, mesmerized by her elegance, struggling to comprehend how someone could embody such grace. Gathering his wits, he is compelled to approach this enigmatic figure.

With tentative steps, he closes the distance between them and greets her, “Hi, what brings you out today?” Her response is nonchalant, “Just enjoying the day.” Overwhelmed by her allure and with a heart racing with eagerness, he blurts out, “I want to marry you. I have never encountered anyone as beautiful as you. Your beauty leaves me awestruck, and I can’t fathom the thought of you with anyone else.” She turns to him, her gaze piercing, and coolly replies, “You don’t know me. Why would I marry you? You should leave.”

Despite her dismissal, he is undeterred. He steps back but quickly returns with flowers, hoping to charm her. She reiterates, “You don’t want to marry me; you don’t know who I am.” Undeterred, he declares, “I don’t care who you are; my desire to marry you is unchanging.” After a brief pause, she looks at him with icy eyes and reveals, “I am Death. You don’t want anything to do with me. Leave.” Yet, the man, spellbound and oblivious to the gravity of her words, insists, “I don’t care! Your extraordinary beauty and presence eclipse everything. Even if you are Death, I want to be with you.”

After a tense silence, Death speaks, “Very well… if you truly wish to marry me, I require something from you.” Eager to please, the man urges, “Anything! Just tell me!” She coldly commands, “Bring me your mother’s heart.” Without a second thought, driven by his trance-like state, he rushes home where his mother was lovingly preparing dinner. In a frenzied act, blinded by obsession, he commits the unthinkable. As he hurries back, mother’s heart in hand, he stumbles and falls. At that moment, the heart, now in his possession, cries out in concern, “Are you okay, son?”
The array of emotions elicited by this tale encapsulates the essence of Tilang.

Expectations, especially in professional or personal relationships, can lead to immense frustration when unfulfilled. These expectations, when unmet, start as a slight pinch but soon escalate, turning into a fiery ball within us. This frustration grows with each disappointment, culminating in explosive outbursts that often result in regret and complications. Raag Tilang can be an invaluable tool in such moments. It allows us a constructive channel for these building emotions, using them as fuel to express ourselves through sound. This not only leaves us feeling lighter and happier but also equips us with a healthier mindset for effective communication, steering clear of emotionally charged confrontations.

Raag Tilang proves particularly useful when you’re feeling overlooked at work or your efforts seem unnoticed. It’s also beneficial in personal relationships, aiding in the dissipation of frustration and promoting clearer communication.

Harness the power of Raag Tilang to better manage your frustrations and foster healthier interactions by listening to Evans Nation’s Vibrations, a playlist that beautifully encapsulates the essence of this Raag.

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Preetinder Dhindsa Preetinder Dhindsa

Playlist for Bittersweet Moments

When joy and sorrow co-exist, listen to Raag Jaijavanti.

Raag Jaijavanti is a mood that evokes a mix of emotions. It encompasses the sweet feeling of succeeding and the bitter feeling of losing something in the process. Such as the feeling of happiness and satisfaction of an achievement; however, simultaneously experiencing the sadness of losing something in the process.

Imagine a king, victorious in battle, only to be struck with the devastating news of his son’s demise on the very battlefield that brought him triumph. This poignant scenario mirrors the essence of Raag Jaijavanti, where joy and sorrow coexist, each lending weight and meaning to the other. This duality creates a grounded sense of reality, preventing us from being lost in the extremes of our achievements or sorrows.

A perfect parallel to this emotional blend is found in the Chinese folktale, “The Four Dragons.” In this story, four noble dragons – the Long Dragon, the Yellow Dragon, the Black Dragon, and the Pearl Dragon – defy the Jade Emperor to bring rain to the drought-stricken lands. Their successful endeavor to aid the suffering people comes at a personal cost – they are transformed into rivers, losing their freedom. Yet, in this loss, they gain eternal life as rivers, nurturing the very land they sought to save.

This tale, much like Raag Jaijavanti, captures the bittersweet nature of life’s journey. We often encounter moments where our victories are tinged with sacrifices. Consider the professional who works tirelessly on a critical project, achieving great success but at the expense of precious family time. This sacrifice adds depth to the triumph, creating a balanced perspective where joy acknowledges the price paid.

Raag Jaijavanti resonates with these life moments, offering a musical embrace that acknowledges our struggles and celebrates our victories, all while reminding us of the inevitable sacrifices that shape our experiences.

In this light, let us ponder – when have we lived the mood of Raag Jaijavanti in our own lives? How has the melody of success and sacrifice played out in our personal and professional journeys?

To explore the depths of Raag Jaijavanti and its emotional landscape, I invite you to listen to “Evans Nation’s Vibrations,” a playlist that beautifully encapsulates the essence of this Raag.

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Preetinder Dhindsa Preetinder Dhindsa

Playlist for a Confidence Boost

Need a quick boost of confidence? Listen to Raag Dhanasri.

Raag Dhanasri embodies the mood of Hakuna Matata, a Swahili phrase that translates to “there are no troubles”. This mood instills confidence and assurance. Raag Dhanasri aids in tuning confidence, reducing arrogance, and boosting low self-esteem. The raags presented in this series all work to balance the extremes of emotions, feelings, and moods that lead to feeling uncomfortable, on edge, or out of control at these extremes. Raag Dhanasri plays a role in tuning our ego and self-esteem, fostering confidence within ourselves, and ensuring we are secure and firm. This secure confidence provides a rooted feeling, ensuring we do not waver regardless of the situation

Imagine having only 10 dollars in your pocket and being sent to a mall to spend it. What would go through your head? What can I buy? What can’t I buy? There’d be a lot of internal conversation. Over time, you’d exclude yourself from most shops, maybe feel lesser than others, and think small. Now, imagine having unlimited cash instead of just 10 dollars. The way you’d walk and feel would be significantly different, exuding a different level of confidence. You’d almost feel free and unstoppable. Conversely, if you entered the mall with 10 dollars but behaved as though you had unlimited cash, it would lead to many other problems. This over-confidence would drive you to spend more than you have and lead to regret.

Similarly, our ego plays a similar role. It can be a great friend or our worst enemy. The ego can drive us into over-confidence and arrogance, leading to failure in many situations. On the other end, if our ego recedes too far, we lose confidence, doubt everything we do, and second-guess every action. This approach is equally dangerous as it hinders one’s growth. Ideally, a balanced ego recognizes its worth, is secure, confident, and carefree in its approach to life, aware of its potential without arrogance.

If you ever doubt yourself, feel insecure, or lack belief in your abilities, use Raag Dhanasri to uncover your true self. It will help you find your confidence and enable you to feel capable.

Immerse yourself in Raag Dhanasri by listening to this curated playlist on YouTube and Spotify.

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Preetinder Dhindsa Preetinder Dhindsa

Playlist for Joy & Happiness

Need a quick boost of confidence? Ready to embrace your happiness and immerse yourself in joy? Listen to Raag Bilaval.

Bilaval embodies a mood of utter happiness, radiating smiles of joy, yet stays grounded, preventing one from getting carried away. This mode allows for experiencing a balanced joy, ensuring that one does not lose themselves. Often, in our moments of happiness, we tend to let go, forget, and sometimes lose our bearings, much like a helium-filled balloon released into the sky. The helium carries it upward until it depletes, leaving the balloon to fall back down, devoid of its buoyancy. Similarly, happiness and joy can uproot us, only to let us fall back down. This perpetual cycle of highs and lows does not bring stability, leaving us in a constant pursuit of joy and happiness. Raag Bilaval, however, serves as a remarkable tool to immerse oneself in joy and happiness, but with the balance that keeps us anchored, like a helium balloon tied securely. This tied balloon, and its helium last far longer.

The mood of Raag Bilaval enables one to embrace happiness in a controlled and balanced manner. It does not diminish happiness; instead, it allows one to harness the power of this otherwise uncontrollable emotion. It also aids in pulling one out of the depths of sadness and pain.

In 2016, during a music tour where I taught, performed, and learned, life was a whirlwind of work, fun, performances, and preparation. It was the last stretch of my tour in the UK, and I had been away from home for two months. An internal sadness weighed on me, not from homesickness, but a deeper melancholy. The cold, dreary, and gray weather did little to help. My mind, like a despondent child, recoiled from interaction, viewing everything negatively, craving solitude yet longing for love and understanding. I felt alienated, even amongst people, and misunderstood. My mind seemed like a stranger in my own body. My soul, the wiser part of me, tried its best to reach out and comfort the mind, but to no avail. It felt broken and sad, yearning for a simple hug and companionship. This yearning for external validation was an elusive reality. I remember locking myself in my room with my instrument, the Dilruba, and intuitively, my soul chose to play Raag Bilaval. As the music flowed, my mind began to smile; the world around me seemed brighter, and more colorful. The pain in my mind gradually dissipated. Raag Bilaval played a pivotal role in helping my mind feel loved, understood, and cared for by my soul. It communicated to my mind as one would to a sad child – with cheer, excitement, love, and understanding, coupled with fun and kind thoughts. The transformation from sadness to a composed and lasting joy was almost instantaneous. Raag Bilaval helped me recharge and rediscover my joy, altering my perception of the world and my circumstances.

Raag Bilaval can be applied in numerous ways. If you are overwhelmed with joy and happiness, to the point of being uncontainable, Raag Bilaval empathizes with that joy and happiness. It allows you to revel in it while offering a steadying anchor to ground you in a more sober approach, preventing you from drifting away. It is akin to gently cautioning a jubilant child, “Be careful dear, you might hurt yourself.” You are not diminishing their joy, just supplying a subtle anchor. Similarly, Raag Bilaval can also help uplift you from feelings of sadness and despair, particularly during challenging times like winter, with its short days and long nights. Our hard work often begins and ends in darkness, which can be disheartening. Raag Bilaval can help retune your perspective and emotions, enabling you to find joy within.”

Immerse yourself in Raag Bilaval by listening to this curated playlist on YouTube and Spotify.

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Preetinder Dhindsa Preetinder Dhindsa

The Power of Music on Mood and Productivity

It all begins with an idea.

A special musical series including Spotify playlists

Embrace the power of music to transform your mood and supercharge your productivity. In this 8-week series, Preetinder Dhindsa will illuminate the profound links between music, psychology, and well-being – a trifecta that can revolutionize your personal and professional life. 

With over two decades of experience in Sikh Music and Sound Healing, Preetinder has honed an exceptional toolkit of music designed to alleviate mental and emotional stress, as well as enhance moods and mental clarity. His expertise lies in harnessing the potential of sound to facilitate precise emotional expression and promote healing. 

His background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology and Applied Research. Preetinder’s musical journey began in his early teens when he was captivated by Sikh music and the mesmerizing sounds of the Dilruba, a unique instrument from the Sikh tradition dating back to the early 1700s. As his understanding of Sikh music deepened, it became a catalyst for his psychological resilience during the challenging teenage years. 

His passion led him to study under Prof. Surinder Singh, a pioneering figure in the realm of sound and health through Sikh music. Preetinder’s dedication to learning earned him the opportunity to tour with his mentor, sharpening his skills in using sound for emotional and mental healing. This experience, coupled with an internship at a mental health clinic, paved the way for Preetinder to integrate Sikh musical therapy into his own practice. 

Over the years, Preetinder has gained an incredible depth of knowledge in Sikh music and Indian classical music. He has passed on his wisdom to hundreds of individuals, fulfilling his commitment to serving humanity through music. 

A message from Preetinder Dhindsa introducing the series: 

Music is a potent tool that can help you navigate life’s complexities, both professionally and personally. It’s easy to lose sight of our essence amidst the whirlwind of daily tasks and stressors. Simple acts like taking a walk or closing your eyes can offer temporary relief, but music offers a transformative experience. It rejuvenates, redirects, and refreshes our mindset. 

Expression is vital. It lends us a sense of validation, comprehension, and emotional and mental liberation. While words have their limitations, music transcends these boundaries. It speaks to our physical, mental, and emotional selves in ways words can’t. 

Indian classical music serves dual purposes. On one hand, it offers entertainment, becoming the soundtrack to your workout or commute. On the other, it provides a pathway to self-discovery and spiritual connection, helping you understand and express your emotions through sound.  

Harnessing the power of sound to shape our emotional landscape, I’ve developed an evolving toolkit of musical soundtracks to augment your mood. Currently, it encompasses eight Raags, each a marvel of science and artistry, designed to facilitate accurate emotional expression through sound. These Raags possess distinct emotional resonances, and gaining insight into them can enrich our understanding of this venerable musical tradition. 

Take, for example, Raag Kalyan. This is my go-to when faced with daunting tasks that seemingly border on the impossible. It channels an energy that converts the ‘impossible’ into the ‘possible.’ Whether the Raag is performed vocally or instrumentally, it harmonizes my mental state almost instantly, always delivering results. The power of this Raag lies in its intentional composition to evoke the feeling of accomplishing the improbable. 

Much like the English alphabet’s twenty-six letters, the emotional language of sound recognizes twenty-two fundamental emotions or microtones. These are universal truths, akin to a rainbow’s universal appeal, regardless of geographical location. 

In the times of Ancient India, enlightened yogis and sages unveiled a method to bridge communication between the left and right brain, the mind and soul, the heart and mind. It’s astounding to consider how the twenty-six letters of the alphabet can craft an infinite number of stories and books. Similarly, the twenty-two emotionally charged microtones can generate a limitless array of Raags. The possibilities for expression are boundless! 

Think of a Raag as a dish, perhaps a chocolate cake. To bake that cake, you need the right ingredients in the correct proportions, combined using a specific technique. The process of creating a Raag mirrors this. The primary difference lies in the ingredients – instead of flour or sugar, we use emotions. Each Raag dictates the emotional elements required, their quantities, and the method of combining them. Consequently, Raag Kalyan evokes the sensation of surmounting the impossible due to the precise emotional components and their arrangement. 

Emotions are a universal language, triggered by varying circumstances and experiences. In this sense, Raags are universally relatable and adaptable to any situation. Consider the chocolate cake again – it can be served at a birthday party, enjoyed as a snack, or shared on a romantic date. The cake remains the same, but its purpose varies. Similarly, Raag Kalyan is versatile. It can motivate you when lethargy sets in, maintain your momentum during a project, or instill focus and courage when facing formidable tasks, transforming the ‘impossible’ into the ‘possible.’ 

Our toolkit features eight other Raags, each with its unique emotional resonance. Join me in the coming weeks as I delve deeper into each Raag and explore how they can enhance our professional and personal lives. Let’s empower ourselves with the transformative magic of sound! 

Empower yourself with the healing power of music. Join Preetinder Dhindsa on this enlightening journey and let the magic of music transform your life. Begin the musical journey on your own by accessing the Raag playlists here: Evans Nation’s Vibrations 

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Preetinder Dhindsa Preetinder Dhindsa

Playlist for a Burst of Energy

It all begins with an idea.

Raag Asa, a potent and invigorating musical mood, embodies the essence of courage and strength. It surges through one’s being, annihilating fear and apathy like a surge of adrenaline for the mind and spirit. The story of a king from India encapsulates the essence of Raag Asa.

In the heart of a kingdom ravaged by treachery, a prince named Tunde (pronounced Tun-day) Asraja (pronounced us-raaj-a) resided. His lineage promised greatness, yet his own blood sought to sabotage his destiny. In a shocking act of betrayal, his brothers cruelly severed his hands and feet, casting him out of the kingdom to perish in solitude.

Yet, destiny had different intentions for Tunde. Stranded and wounded, he found refuge on the shores of a neighboring kingdom. Samaritans from this land discovered him, unaware of his royal heritage, and nursed him back to health.

Fate intervened again when their revered king passed away, leaving no successor. The decree was such: the next soul to cross their borders would ascend the throne. That soul was Tunde Asraja, a man with no hands and feet but an indomitable spirit.

Undeterred by his physical disability, Tunde seized his newfound role with unwavering courage. He defied his limitations, ruling with sheer determination and heartfelt strength. Under his reign, the once-forgotten kingdom prospered and grew formidable.

The past was not forgotten. The kingdom that once discarded him now observed Tunde’s ascension apprehensively. As tensions mounted, Tunde faced the ultimate test of his mettle. In a fierce battle, he led his kingdom to victory against the very realm that had exiled him.

Tunde Asraja’s story signifies more than resilience; it epitomizes the relentless human spirit. He transformed his suffering into strength, trials into triumphs, and vulnerabilities into indomitable strength. It was his blazing courage, not his physical loss, that defined his legacy. This story is the essence of Raag Asa, a mood we’ve all experienced. If this tale invigorates you to act, you’re experiencing the mood of Asa.

Raag Asa is here to attune you to this mode of tackling any formidable challenge with gusto. Immerse yourself in Raag Asa by listening to this curated playlist on YouTube and Spotify. If you feel stuck or brimming with unchanneled energy, Raag Asa can provide the mental push or focus you need. Whenever you’re filled with an irresistible urge to act, when you’re fueled by excitement and determination, you’re experiencing Raag Asa. Listening to Asa at such moments will amplify your mood and resonate with your entire being.

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Preetinder Dhindsa Preetinder Dhindsa

Playlist for Comfort and Grounding

It all begins with an idea.

Feeling stressed and isolated? Listen to Raag Bairarri.

Raag Bairarri (pronounced Bae-ra-ree) is an extremely powerful Raag (mood). Raag Bairarri is a source of comfort and grounding during challenging times. It offers solace, helping the person feel connected and not alone in the presence of life’s worries and stresses. It addresses feelings of defeat, isolation, and estrangement, allowing the individual to feel connected and grounded to themselves. Raag Bairarri reminds the mind that it is not alone, there is a deeper connection with the soul, and encourages focus on one’s reality rather than getting overwhelmed by external concerns. Raag Bairarri, like all Raags, goes beyond mere music and skill; it serves as a solution for emotional struggles, allowing individuals to express their emotions through sound and providing a sense of understanding and completeness.

The poem “The Darkling Thrush” by Thomas Hardy expresses the essence of Raag Bairarri.

I leant upon a coppice gate

When Frost was spectre-grey,

And Winter’s dregs made desolate

The weakening eye of day.

The tangled bine-stems scored the sky

Like strings of broken lyres,

And all mankind that haunted nigh

Had sought their household fires.

The land’s sharp features seemed to be

The Century’s corpse outleant,

His crypt the cloudy canopy,

The wind his death-lament.

The ancient pulse of germ and birth

Was shrunken hard and dry,

And every spirit upon earth

Seemed fervourless as I.

At once a voice arose among

The bleak twigs overhead

In a full-hearted evensong

Of joy illimited;

An aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small,

In blast-beruffled plume,

Had chosen thus to fling his soul

Upon the growing gloom.

So little cause for carolings

Of such ecstatic sound

Was written on terrestrial things

Afar or nigh around,

That I could think there trembled through

His happy good-night air

Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew

And I was unaware.

“The Darkling Thrush” and the experience of Raag Bairarri both start from a place of profound melancholy and isolation. In Hardy’s poem, the bleak winter landscape and the image of the weakening day reflect the narrator’s inner desolation. This mood resonates with the initial feelings of loneliness and emotional turmoil one might seek to alleviate through the Raag Bairarri.

The core of both the poem and the Raag Bairarri experience lies in the transformative journey from despair to a sense of hope or solace. In “The Darkling Thrush,” this shift is marked by the unexpected, joyful song of the thrush. Despite the surrounding gloom and the frailty of the bird, its song injects a sense of unanticipated hope and resilience. Similarly, Raag Bairarri provides a means for the listener to transition from feeling defeated and isolated to a state where they are more grounded and reassured.

Both the poem and the Raag Bairarri encapsulate the human capacity to find moments of profound hope and connection amid despair. They reflect the idea that even in our darkest moments, there are aspects of our experience, whether through nature, music, or other forms of expression, which can lift us from our despair and remind us that we are not alone in our struggles.

Both “The Darkling Thrush” and Raag Bairarri share a deeply human theme: the journey from a state of bleakness and isolation to one of hope, connection, and a rekindled spirit. This journey is reflective of a common human experience, resonating with the universal capacity for resilience and the search for light in the darkest of times. Immerse yourself in Raag Bairarri by listening to this curated playlist on YouTube and Spotify. If you feel stressed or isolated, Raag Bairarri can provide the comfort and grounding you need.

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Preetinder Dhindsa Preetinder Dhindsa

Playlist for Stress Management

It all begins with an idea.

Feeling anxious or on edge? Listen to Raag Goojari.

In Indian classical music, Raag Goojari is more than just a set of musical notes; it represents the mood or emotional state that deals with the feeling of time slipping away and the anxiety that can arise from this sensation. This Raag uniquely addresses two extreme responses to anxiety:

For Procrastinators: Many people delay tasks due to a lack of urgency, only springing into action as deadlines approach. This last-minute anxiety, while stressful, can sometimes be the only trigger that drives action. Raag Goojari helps by inducing a ‘healthy’ level of anxiety earlier in the process, motivating procrastinators to begin work sooner, thereby managing their tasks more effectively and reducing the intense stress of looming deadlines.

For the Over-Anxious: On the other end of the spectrum are individuals who feel constant anxiety, often to the point of overwhelm or burnout. This excessive anxiety can be paralyzing, leading to decreased productivity and adverse health effects. Here, Raag Goojari plays a therapeutic role by helping to alleviate and balance out these intense feelings, bringing them down to a more manageable level.

Raag Goojari acts as a regulatory tool, adapting its influence based on the listener’s psychological state. It is akin to a musical form of stress management, enhancing focus and productivity by either ramping up a sense of urgency in those who tend to procrastinate or calming the nerves of those who are overly anxious. In a work setting, especially in high-stress environments or jobs dominated by tight deadlines, listening to Raag Goojari can be a strategic way to manage and regulate stress and anxiety, helping to maintain both mental well-being and professional efficiency.

Immerse yourself in Raag Goojari by listening to this curated playlist on YouTube and Spotify. If you are procrastinating or feel over-anxious, Raag Goojari can regulate your stress to enhance your focus and productivity (be sure to select tracks that say, gujari or gujari-todi).

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